Welcome to May where we will be dancing around the May Pole
on May Day; donning opulent hats for the Kentucky Derby and sombreros for Cinco
de Mayo; honoring our mothers on Mother’s Day and our fallen heroes on Memorial
Day. What a fantastic month of celebration! In addition to observing these
holidays, Juniper Village will be focusing on this month’s Alive In All Seasons
theme “Grow Strong Daily” with an emphasis on fitness.
Studies show exercise is an effective treatment for many
chronic conditions such as arthritis, heart disease and diabetes and can also
help people with high blood pressure, balance problems or difficulty walking.
Stress management, improved mood and cognitive function are other benefits of
regular exercise. This is why Juniper Village makes exercise a part of every
day! We are completely dedicated to whole person wellness and “nurturing the
spirit of life” for each individual we touch by encouraging an active body, an
engaged mind and a fulfilled spirit.
Join us here at Juniper Village at Cape Coral for our Fifth
Annual Kentucky Derby Hat Parade on May 3rd at 2:30 pm; our Mother’s
Day Celebration on May 11th at 2:00 pm; or our Sixth Annual Senior
Olympics on May 22nd at 2:00 pm. See our newsletter calendar for a complete
listing of events and come visit us during any that suit your fancy!
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