As we say good bye to Indian summer, we welcome the cooler
air and slower pace of the autumn season. From warm apple cider, everything
pumpkin and end of season hiking trips, there are so many reasons to enjoy
autumn. William Cullen Bryant says it best, “Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest
smile.” With the seasonal changes now in full swing we see fall flowers
appearing where summer blooms once stood and leaves changing into vibrant
shades of yellow, orange and red. The evening air has a slight chill and
carries the scent of campfires, leaves and cinnamon spice. Our activities turn
from swimming and baseball to raking leaves and football. Not only is Mother
Nature showing her colors, but we begin to show our team colors with a focus on
sports! Join us throughout the month as we bond over sporting events while
cheering on our favorite teams, complete with tailgate parties and snacks.
Throughout October we will show our colors as we sponsor and
support local sports teams. We will honor our associates who show their colors
by “nurturing the spirit of life” with The Juniper Spirit awards. Alas, October
would not be complete without celebrating the season with our annual Halloween
Costume Party, which is open to ghosts and goblins of all ages. Join us this
month and Show Your Colors!
Our fabulous October 2016 events in Cape Coral, FL at
Juniper Village at Cape Coral include our:
Black Hatters Witches Tea Party as we are
calling all witches, ghosts and goblins to attend our annual “Red Hatters” tea
party in celebration of Halloween, so please join us and our special guest
servers from Direct Access Home Health for tea and cookies and some good old-fashioned
trick or treating fun, but don’t forget “black hats” are mandatory dress code
for this event on October 12th from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm. (RSVP by Oct
10th to 239-542-3121.)
7th Annual Colorful Fall Festival
because what better way to “Show Your Colors” for a day than to let the little
kid in you out and have fun with face painting, water games, bounce house and
let’s not forget the hotdogs, cotton candy, and popcorn; our festival has grown
a lot over the years so if you have missed the last year or two, be sure to
make time to join us on October 15th from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm.
We look forward to sharing our October 2016 events in Cape
Coral, FL at Juniper Village at Cape Coral with you as you Show Your Colors.
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